


Our Board of Directors do not receive compensation for their services.



Employing over 100+ employees (many seniors) – delivering over 80 million meals since 1984!



Providing low-cost meals at the highest possible quality for the benefit of the elderly.



  • Hot Prepared Daily Meals
  • Deli and Picnic Meals
  • Special Caterings for Large Groups
  • Frozen Meals
  • Frozen Meals with Fresh Supplements
  • Frozen Meal Systems Packaged for One Client for 2 to 5 Days
  • Shelf Stable/Emergency Meals

Senior Catering is dedicated to serving you a menu that meets CACFP and elderly nutrition program requirements. We have a registered and licensed dietitian nutritionist on staff to ensure compliance with your menu needs.


In 1983, in an effort to improve the quality of meals and to lower the high cost of the elderly meals, the staff at the Central Midlands Council of Governments and the Richland County’s Senior Resources initiated the idea of Senior Catering. The original Board of Directors members were drawn from suggestions of volunteers from four county aging programs in the Central Midlands region. (Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry and Richland Counties). The Central Midlands Region had contracted with five different caterers during the previous five years and was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the meal service and the products being delivered.

The higher quality Senior Catering meals were achieved by using Grade ‘A’ Quality foods; preparing the meals the same day they are served; utilizing fresh chicken as an entree on the menu; developing special events menus and providing availability; affording the customer alternate menus.


Senior Catering is a Non-profit Corporation established in 1984 as an eleemosynary organization.

Approximately 75% of the business is the service to the elderly nutrition programs throughout South Carolina. Of these meals about half are eaten at congregate dining sites and half are delivered by the local Councils on Aging to the home bound elderly as Meals on Wheels.

  • Currently serving 12,000 midday meals throughout South Carolina.
  • Over 80 million meals have been served since 1984.
  • Delivers to 200 + locations/contractors every Monday through Friday.
  • Employs 100 + predominantly older individuals. Average age is 58.
  • Unique in that food is prepared the same day as delivered, thus requiring significant equipment and staff.
Copyright © 2025 Senior Catering. All rights reserved.